Monday, August 27, 2012

The official Irish Coffee Entertainment blogged has been moved to

Latest shows....
September 7th 9 pm Katie Mullens Irish Restaurant and Pub 16th St. Mall at 1550 Court Place , Denver CO 80202

Sept. 16th 3 pm Music at Good Shepherd presents an afternoon of Irish fiddle
Cady Finlayson & Vita Tanga
Admission free, all ages welcome.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Friday, August 3, 2012

When it pours!

The phrase, "when it rains, it pours..." seems to apply for September.

It's the 20th Anniversary of the Police Pipes and Drums of Bergen County, and we're celebrating. I've been there for 10 of those years....

there's a whole weekend of events and a 20th Anniversary Concert Saturday September 22nd 7 pm at Bergen Pac for all the details. Not-to-be-missed!

Vita and I are also giving our very first Irish concert in Raleigh North Carolina

Sunday September 16th 3 pm as part of music series at Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
If you know anyone in Raleigh, send them on! Admission is free and all ages are welcome.

But before we get to Raleigh, we've go to do some business in Denver, which is showcase at the Western Arts Alliance Conference September 5th and 6th

Showcases are the oddest things ever - our entire "set" including getting on and off is 20 minutes. The point is for presenters to hear your live so they can see how you'd fit into their series. It's like being on a first date for just a few minutes and striving to make a really good impression.  Hoping if you are brunette that they are not looking for blondes! The jury is still out on showcases, I think you can get an idea of artists right away, but I miss the audience interaction and the vibe of a real live show....

So that's September - busy as usual.
In October I'll be joining the Witness Protection Program!